Happy New Year 2025

Hello Everyone!

What a great way to welcome in the New Year. Can you believe it is 2025? It almost sounds like a Sci-Fi Movie. Well, for someone who has lived in the 1960’s it does!!

This is the year I have decided to start mixing mediums. I started drawing with colored pencils in 1991 and have not really tried any other medium other than colored pencils. This is probably due to a learning curve and then feeling very comfortable using colored pencils. I wanted to become skilled in my drawing and using this medium has allowed me to advance to a place in creating that I love.

New floral drawing.So, I have stepped outside of my comfort zone and started using pan pastels. Pan pastels are an oil-based paint type of medium, similar to chalk or charcoal. They come in a variety of colors and are encased in individual flat pan-like containers, unlike pencil and stick chalk pastels. This gives the freedom of blending colors, similar to acrylic or watercolor, by using what are called “Sofft” (yes, this is the correct spelling) tools in place of brushes. They are made with a minimal binder which gives them a highly pigmented color allowing the use of various artistic techniques which can easily be mixed with other mediums.

I bought a set of 20 colors of the pan pastels and multiple shaped Sofft tools for application.  Since these pastels are powdery and loose when applying to a surface it is best to use a paper that pastels will stick to, such as sandpaper. This is because the pastel property does not soak into the paper like paint or watercolor but stays on the surface of the paper. Examples of sandpaper is LuxArchival, an acid free paper on front and back, and colored textural specialty pastel paper like the very popular Canson Mi-Teintes and Strathmore Pure Tents. However, depending upon the artists preference, the surface can either be smooth or much more textured depending on how they want the drawing to look. I actually prefer a smoother surface because I combine the pans with the colored pencils, which works well for a more painterly look that I like.

Of course, the secret to using the pan pastels is using a fixative spray to hold the pastel to the paper and allow for layering. This also prevents the pastel from flaking off the paper or collecting at the bottom of the paper and frame. I use two different fixatives between my layering. The SpectraFix Degas Fixative, which is odor-free and nontoxic, is used between the pan pastel layering and Krylon Workable Fixatif, which is acid free and archival and prevents smudging and wrinkling, for colored pencil layering. Both fixatives can be used interchangeably, but this is how I use them.

Here is a drawing I created using the mixture of both pan pastels as a base and then colored pencils layered over the pastels for more depth and detail. This drawing was actually an experiment using Artistico Extra White 100% cotton hot press satine watercolor paper. I use this paper for most of my colored pencil drawings and just wanted to test the results using the pans along with the pencils. It was also fun drawing two identical flowers opposing each other using opposing colors. I rather like it.

Well, I hope this blog isn’t too technical for my readers today. I am excited experimenting with mixing both mediums together for a different look and I have created several other drawings using this method. Until my next blog, …

Blessings to all for this New Year.

Terrie D

Lion’s Head Drawing

Lion's Head Drawing, 2024
Hello Friends,

Well, here we are in November coming up to Thanksgiving. Wow! Fall is definitely here with lots of rain and (burrrr!) colder weather. I finally put my long quilted coat on the other day with my warm fuzzy boots. I am so looking forward to sharing time with my family and friends during the holidays. Pumpkin pie and heavy cream is the best!!

I have been on a new learning curve with a new medium. I ordered a set of 20 pan pastels from Amazon along with the “sofft” tools (yes, that’s how they spell it). They are plastic handled spatulas with different shaped heads with little soft sponge-like pieces that fit onto the head of each tool.  There are also different sizes of small and medium sponges that can be used independently for larger areas of your drawing.  The pastels come in beautiful brilliant colors along with a special plastic carrier for each pan pastel color. I am so excited to try these pan pastels mixed with my colored pencils. In addition, I am learning how to create reels that I can post on my Facebook to show you how I create my drawings.

Here is a new drawing of a lion’s head that I recently finished. I found and fell in love with the photo and just had to draw this magnificent creature.  The original drawing is 15″ X 11″.  This Image Gallery shows some of the steps taken in the drawing process. I used Artistico Watercolor extra white 100% cotton hot press satine paper for my drawing.

My next drawing will be on a reel on Facebook. Please come and join me.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Terrie D

Independent Drawing Clydesdale Horses

Hello to My Friends,

Clydesdales drawing progressWell, it has been a while since I have blogged. A lot has been happening since them, but I have finally found some time to sit down and write. We have made a major move after many years which took a lot of effort and energy! Those of you who have moved know what I mean! Ugg! Anyway, we are settling down to a routine and sure love where we are living. Now I need to pick up the pencils again and start drawing!

Here is my most recent drawing of some magnificent clydesdale horses. This was such an inspiring project and one that was quite challenging. This drawing is not in any of my coloring books. But, I think it is one that I will include in my table top book with a step-by-step explanation of how I created the drawing. It is so much fun creating, composing and coloring new drawings that I want to share  them with you.

We have been working in our new yard and are looking forward to the summer sunshine. It feels great to get outdoors. We love to camp and travel and share time with our family.


Terrie D

Fourth Coloring Book to be Published

Hello All,

Mild Things of the World coverWell, I am very excited to share with you that we are finally going to publish my fourth coloring book, Mild Things of the World, in just about two weeks!  Here is a preview of the cover of my book showing “Rosy the Goat”. It was so much fun creating all of these images of our favorite pets, animals and critters whom we all love and live with. I hope you enjoy having as much fun coloring them!

As life has it, right in the middle of completing the publication we are about to move. This is a special move bringing us closer to our children and grandchildren. They are my greatest inspiration.  Moving takes a lot of time and energy but I am looking forward to setting up my studio in our new home so I can continue bringing what I love doing best to you. My next project will be a table top hard cover book with some illustrations and compositions showing how I draw my coloring book images. It will contain the completed images of all four coloring books and many other individual drawings done over the past years.  It is a wonderful experience when artists can share their work and show others how we do what we do. I love learning and sharing with others what gives me great satisfaction and joy.


Terrie D

Burrrr!! Winter is Here!

Welcome to Winter!Horse drawing

We woke up this morning to icy snow everywhere. The temperature dipped to 29 degrees and we are expecting more icy rain through the week. This is a good time to stay indoors and avoid driving anywhere on those scary slippery roads. That being said, I have decided to stay home and take some time to write this blog while keeping the heater under my desk!!

We have been doing some revisions on my first three coloring books. You can order them by clicking on BOOKS on my website page.

Here is another example of one of the images in my fourth coloring book, which will be published this month. This is called “Psychedelic Horse”. It is one of my favorite drawings and was so much fun to work on.  I am sure you will spend hours coloring this whimsical horse and forgetting all about that cold wintery weather outside.

Stay warm! Blessings,

Terrie D

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to All.Cows & Chickens drawing

What a rush this year has been!! So much going on and we are nearly into a new year. Christmas is upon us and I am enjoying the festivities and family gatherings, especially  my new grandson, Calvin, born two months ago. We just stacked ten wheelbarrows of firewood and are ready for winter to begin. The days are shorter and the weather outside makes us want to stay warm inside. It is an ideal time to settle down with one of my coloring books, a hot steamy drink and some Christmas goodies to welcome in and enjoy the season.

With this year being so full of the unexpected, my goal to publish Mild Things of the World, coloring book number four has been pushed into January, 2024. The drawings and descriptions are all ready to go to the publishers for printing. Here is a sample of one of the “mild animals” that will be shown in my new coloring book. I love cows and red barns. And the chickens always add a farm flavor. Can’t miss the strutting rooster showing off to the hens! These are some of the many animals that have become domesticated by humankind through the ages and what I love to share so much about this new coloring book.

I am looking forward to getting Mild Things of the World out on Amazon and with Barnes & Noble Book Stores so you can get to coloring!!


Terrie D

I’m Back!

Hello Dear Followers,

It has been several months since my last blog posting. This summer was devoted to my ailing mother who has been in hospice care. She quietly passed away on September 3rd shortly after her 98th birthday. I am dedicating my fourth coloring book to my mother, whom was a strong, loving, beautiful and family devoted woman. She set a high standard for me as a mother and as a woman, living by herself all these years. I miss her strength and love daily but know she is now in Heaven with my father, who passed 20 years ago. They are finally reunited.

Parrot Drawing Progress

Now, I am focusing on completing my fourth coloring book titled Mild Things of the World with the goal of publishing it before the end of this year. Here is an image of a colorful parrot shown with the drawing in progress. I love the vibrant colors of the parrot against the background of large flowers. This was a very fun and enjoyable drawing and one I hope you will enjoy coloring, as well.

We are now into the fall season which brings the scent of cinnamon, pumpkin, apples, piles of falling leaves and cooler temperatures. I look forward to our first fire in our fireplace and cozying up with some hot chocolate and my doggie-dog, Tai. As my husband, Mark, says, “Life is what happens when you are planning something else.” So, I just look forward to what each new day will bring and savor it and leave the future to our Lord.


Terrie D

Summer Is Here!

Hello All,
Goat Drawing Progress

Well, summer is here . . . 89 degrees today!! That is hot in the Pacific Northwest. I love between 70 and 75 degrees, refreshingly cool but with a hint of warm.  So, I have about 60 days to complete my fourth coloring book to get it published in September. Whew! I could use a tall cold glass of iced tea!

Here is my “Rosy the Goat” image in progress to give you an idea how I work with my drawings. Rosy’s line image will be in my new coloring book for you to create your own coloring. There will also be several different activities including mazes, word searches and other fun stuff. This fourth book runs along my theme of “Wild Things”, only I’m coming at it from a different angle and calling it Mild Things of the World. There will be bunnies, kittens, goats, horses, dogs, sheep . . . . well, you get the picture!

I hope you have exciting plans for this summer. To add to the fun you could take along one, or all three of my coloring books with you and enjoy family time together! Stay cool.


Terrie D

Three Little Kittens

3 Kittens Drawing
Chickens drawing progress animated

Good Morning!

Here is one of my newest images for my fourth coloring book, Mild Things of the World. These three kittens are having a fun time romping around and playing today. They would love for you to join them.

I am now working on my “Five Chickens-“OK, What happened here?!” image to be added to Mild Things of the World.  It is not completed yet, but it gives you an idea as to how I work.  I think you are going to enjoy coloring these mild animals and seeing their many mischievous pranks and fun times.

I have found that my stress level has gone down considerably since working on these new images  and know your’s will too. Give yourself a break from this chaotic world and curl up with a cup of tea (or coffee, or …?)  and enjoy some real relaxing quiet time coloring.

Terrie D

Eugene, Oregon’s Barnes & Noble has my coloring books on their shelves!

Hi Everyone!

Barnes & Noble author event
Barnes & Noble author event

WOW! My three coloring books are now available in Eugene, Oregon’s Barnes & Noble Bookstore. On April 22, 2023, we held our first Author’s Event and met with and shared my coloring books and our story with so many wonderful people. Several children had fun coloring in one of my coloring books while their family roamed the store. We had so much fun! I am excited to connect with other Barnes & Noble Bookstores in Oregon and add my coloring books to their shelves. Here are some photos of my Author’s Event.

You can order my coloring books at Barnes & Noble Bookstore by title, Wild Things of the World, Wild Things of the Ocean, Lakes and Streams, and Wild Things for Kids, or search by my name, Terrie D. Weller.

Check out the new page being added to our website with images that will be included in my fourth coloring book, Mild Things of the World.  I am looking forward to adding this coloring book to the Barnes & Noble Bookstore sometime later this year.

Thank you all for your amazing support. Have fun coloring!!

Many Blessings,
Terrie D

Barnes & Noble author event
Barnes & Noble author event
Barnes & Noble author event