Jaguar Drawing in Progress

Welcome all of you Big Cat Lovers.

Leopard drawing progressI am now working on to my second large cat drawing, a beautiful Jaguar. When it is completed I will add him to our Redbubble store. This is a fascinating challenge drawing six large cats in order to improve my skills as an artist.  As each drawing progresses I experience a feeling as if we are facing each other in real life. It can be a little bit unsettling looking into the eyes of these beauties as they stare back at you!

This is the reason I love drawing, when you can “get inside” of your drawing and create something that moves you in some way. I hope those who see my artwork can experience something that moves in them.

Must get back to drawing  . . . !

Blessings, Terrie D

Lion Drawing in Progress

Hello Wonderful Followers!

Lion Drawing progressionWell, I am finally off to publication with my new children’s coloring book Wild Things for Kids. This book will be over 100 pages and full of fun drawings and activities for kids of all ages. It will be available on Amazon over the next couple of weeks.

I am taking a sabbatical from creating coloring books for a couple of months and am focusing on an aggressive project of drawing large cats of the world. This will include drawings of tigers, lions, leopards and panthers.

I am posting the beginning of a lion drawing currently in progression. My husband said I always seem to start my drawings with the subject’s eyes. I explained to him the reason for this is if I can bring my subject to life through their eyes then it helps me bring life to the drawing. If there is no life in the eyes there is no life in the artwork and I cannot complete the drawing.

I would love for you to follow me in this challenging project and see how it turns out. The drawings will be available in prints at our Redbubble store soon. 

Happy summer days!

Terrie D.