Lion’s Head Drawing

Lion's Head Drawing, 2024
Hello Friends,

Well, here we are in November coming up to Thanksgiving. Wow! Fall is definitely here with lots of rain and (burrrr!) colder weather. I finally put my long quilted coat on the other day with my warm fuzzy boots. I am so looking forward to sharing time with my family and friends during the holidays. Pumpkin pie and heavy cream is the best!!

I have been on a new learning curve with a new medium. I ordered a set of 20 pan pastels from Amazon along with the “sofft” tools (yes, that’s how they spell it). They are plastic handled spatulas with different shaped heads with little soft sponge-like pieces that fit onto the head of each tool.  There are also different sizes of small and medium sponges that can be used independently for larger areas of your drawing.  The pastels come in beautiful brilliant colors along with a special plastic carrier for each pan pastel color. I am so excited to try these pan pastels mixed with my colored pencils. In addition, I am learning how to create reels that I can post on my Facebook to show you how I create my drawings.

Here is a new drawing of a lion’s head that I recently finished. I found and fell in love with the photo and just had to draw this magnificent creature.  The original drawing is 15″ X 11″.  This Image Gallery shows some of the steps taken in the drawing process. I used Artistico Watercolor extra white 100% cotton hot press satine paper for my drawing.

My next drawing will be on a reel on Facebook. Please come and join me.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Terrie D

Bobcat Drawing

Hi Everyone!
Bengal Tiger animation
Here we are entering the holidays already! It doesn’t seem possible how quickly this year has gone by. We have been so busy with our coloring books, visiting family and friends, raking leaves and keeping our fireplace going with the cold weather.

Well, I have finished the last big cat of my large cat drawings, seven total, plus the tiger on the cover of my first coloring book, Wild Things of the World. I am working towards creating a coffee table book that will be a collection of a lot of my colored pencil drawings over the years. It will also have some progressing samples of drawings to give you an idea of some of my techniques for drawing that may be useful to other artists. Here is the drawing of a bobcat in progression.

I am putting these large cat drawings on my Redbubble merchandise where you can enjoy them on clothing, home decor, framing and matting and other items.  Just click on the Merchandise bubble on our website homepage to reach my storefront.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season this year and a blessed year in 2023.

Stay Warm!

Terrie D

Bengal Tiger Drawing

Hello, Hello, Hello . . .

Bengal Tiger animationI just submitted my Wild Things for Kids, a coloring and activity book for kids from ages 8 to 100, for publication this evening. There are 120 pages full of coloring and activities. It is in for review and should be up on Amazon within the next 72 hours!  I am so excited and hope you will check it out.

I have started on number three “Big Cat” drawing and am showing you my progress over the past several weeks. It is a little different in perspective as he is not staring at you! This Bengal Tiger is really starting to come to life and I think will be a great addition to the other drawings.

Fall is coming up next week. It has been a hot summer and I am looking forward to the cooler weather. More time for drawing!


Terrie D

Final Jaguar Drawing and Hawaii Trip

Hello All!

Jaguar final imageHere is the final Jaguar drawing. He was a real challenge but I kept working on him even when I thought I was done at one point. One of the skill improvements in drawing is pushing yourself past your comfort zone and then realizing how much better your drawing can actually turn out.

I am still working with our publisher on my children’s coloring and activity book. Since it is 120 pages (!!) big, about double my other two coloring books, it is taking a little more time to finalize everything before publication. Looking at a couple of weeks before going public.

My husband and business partner, Mark, and I just spent 10 days in Kona, Hawaii. It was our first time visiting Hawaii. We stayed with a couple who are High School friends who moved there three years ago. What a stunning Island! They took us all over the island and I took lots of pictures adding them to my resources for future drawings. Going in August was facing 85 degrees heat and 85+ humidity. I do love the Pacific Northwest’s weather!!  Aloha.

Terrie D

Lion Drawing in Progress

Hello Wonderful Followers!

Lion Drawing progressionWell, I am finally off to publication with my new children’s coloring book Wild Things for Kids. This book will be over 100 pages and full of fun drawings and activities for kids of all ages. It will be available on Amazon over the next couple of weeks.

I am taking a sabbatical from creating coloring books for a couple of months and am focusing on an aggressive project of drawing large cats of the world. This will include drawings of tigers, lions, leopards and panthers.

I am posting the beginning of a lion drawing currently in progression. My husband said I always seem to start my drawings with the subject’s eyes. I explained to him the reason for this is if I can bring my subject to life through their eyes then it helps me bring life to the drawing. If there is no life in the eyes there is no life in the artwork and I cannot complete the drawing.

I would love for you to follow me in this challenging project and see how it turns out. The drawings will be available in prints at our Redbubble store soon. 

Happy summer days!

Terrie D.