Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to All.Cows & Chickens drawing

What a rush this year has been!! So much going on and we are nearly into a new year. Christmas is upon us and I am enjoying the festivities and family gatherings, especially  my new grandson, Calvin, born two months ago. We just stacked ten wheelbarrows of firewood and are ready for winter to begin. The days are shorter and the weather outside makes us want to stay warm inside. It is an ideal time to settle down with one of my coloring books, a hot steamy drink and some Christmas goodies to welcome in and enjoy the season.

With this year being so full of the unexpected, my goal to publish Mild Things of the World, coloring book number four has been pushed into January, 2024. The drawings and descriptions are all ready to go to the publishers for printing. Here is a sample of one of the “mild animals” that will be shown in my new coloring book. I love cows and red barns. And the chickens always add a farm flavor. Can’t miss the strutting rooster showing off to the hens! These are some of the many animals that have become domesticated by humankind through the ages and what I love to share so much about this new coloring book.

I am looking forward to getting Mild Things of the World out on Amazon and with Barnes & Noble Book Stores so you can get to coloring!!


Terrie D

Summer Is Here!

Hello All,
Goat Drawing Progress

Well, summer is here . . . 89 degrees today!! That is hot in the Pacific Northwest. I love between 70 and 75 degrees, refreshingly cool but with a hint of warm.  So, I have about 60 days to complete my fourth coloring book to get it published in September. Whew! I could use a tall cold glass of iced tea!

Here is my “Rosy the Goat” image in progress to give you an idea how I work with my drawings. Rosy’s line image will be in my new coloring book for you to create your own coloring. There will also be several different activities including mazes, word searches and other fun stuff. This fourth book runs along my theme of “Wild Things”, only I’m coming at it from a different angle and calling it Mild Things of the World. There will be bunnies, kittens, goats, horses, dogs, sheep . . . . well, you get the picture!

I hope you have exciting plans for this summer. To add to the fun you could take along one, or all three of my coloring books with you and enjoy family time together! Stay cool.


Terrie D